Category Archives: Health

I am moving forward

Day 7 of 30 – Our True Identity Challenge

Dear Seeking Sister,

I am Moving Forward.

Today we learn that part of our true identity is that as Christians we “move forward”.  There are dozens of teachings that could be created while studying Philippians 3:13, but the Holy Spirit is laying on my heart that moving forward means that we continue to grow and mature as Christians.  We don’t look back at past behaviors or accomplishments or even sin; but rather we ‘reach forward’.  We grab hold of Christ and remain in His grip for the remainder of our ride.   Our life is a gift of pure Grace, but to test this reality we must take hold of the promise of the future (“and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,” Phil 3:13).

Personal Growth

What happens when we are not living out our true identity and not moving forward?  I have learned from my own personal journey that Continue reading I am moving forward

I am not my own

Day 3 of 30 – Our True Identity Challenge

Dear Seeking Sister,

The third day of our true identity challenge teaches us that we are not our own.  Your body is a holy temple.  How many times have we heard that one?

In ancient times, the Temple of Israel was where God dwelled among His people. It was a holy place that was set apart for God’s purposes and presence.  The level of admiration and reverence given to God while one was in the temple is hard to imagine today.  The Apostle Paul is telling us in this week’s scripture that this is what our bodies have become. “Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.”

My body is not my own. Your body, if you are a professing Christian, is not your own.  Our bodies are a gift and have been set apart for God’s Holy Spirit to live in.  Think about how Continue reading I am not my own

Week 1 Recap – 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

I have successfully completed my first week of the 30 day green smoothie challenge. I drank a quart or more of green smoothies every day.  I started to document this journey every day, but that proved to be too time consuming.  Instead, I will make notes each day and then provide a weekly recap.

Week 1 Summary

Day 1: Kale-Blueberry Surprise
Day 2: Kale-Pineapple Base
Day 3: Super Green Morning Glory
Day 4: Dark Blue Green Super Green Smoothie – video demo
Day 5: Dark Blue Green Super Green Smoothie – video demo
Day 6: Yuck-ville
Day 7: Avocado Arugula Green Smoothie

My two favorites were the Super Green Morning Glory and the Dark Blue Green smoothies.  They will become regulars for me.

Continue reading Week 1 Recap – 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

Day 3 – Green Smoothie Challenge

I finally went shopping!  I purchased ingredients for three green smoothie recipes from the book.  Today I made Super Green Morning Glory.

Day 3:  Super Green Morning Glory

  • 3 cups of water
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 2 handfuls of green lettuce leaf
  • handful of oak leaf lettuce
  • 1 cup of strawberries (frozen)
  • 1 mango (medium)
  • 1 banana (medium)

Continue reading Day 3 – Green Smoothie Challenge

30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

I am starting the new year with a couple get-healthy challenges.  My first one is a 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge.  I found this particular challenge in the book, Green for Life, by Victoria Boutenko.  At the end of the 30 days there are 12 questions I am to answer to describe my experience.

The Challenge:  Drink a minimum of one quart of a green smoothie every day for 30 days. Continue reading 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge