30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

I am starting the new year with a couple get-healthy challenges.  My first one is a 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge.  I found this particular challenge in the book, Green for Life, by Victoria Boutenko.  At the end of the 30 days there are 12 questions I am to answer to describe my experience.

The Challenge:  Drink a minimum of one quart of a green smoothie every day for 30 days.

Ultimately my goal is improved overall health.

On page 72, the book states “that the consumers of green smoothies should expect:

  • to have better absorption of valuable nutrients;
  • to lessen the possibility of infection and parasites;
  • to heal allergies;
  • to improve overall health.”

I am starting today and will report on the results after 30 days by answering the 12 questions found on page 149.  I didn’t shop for produce to make the recipes provided in the book so I made today’s green smoothie with what I had on hand (recipe below).

30 Days of Green Smoothies here we go…

Day 1:  Kale-Blueberry Surprise

  • 2 cups of 100% coconut water
  • ~4-5 kale leaves ripped up
  • ~1 cup of romaine ripped up
  • 1 cup of frozen blueberries
  • 4 strawberries (frozen)
  • 1 kiwi (peeled, I didn’t have organic)
  • 1 apple (medium in size and sweetness)

Directions:  Put into your blender in the order listed.  Blend well and use your tamper if necessary.  Pour and enjoy!

Yields:  About 6.5 cups (so that meets my 1 quart requirement)

Kale - Blueberry Surprise Smoothie
click for larger pic

I named this kale-blueberry surprise because kale and blueberries were the highest quantities of  any single ingredient.  I used surprise because I honestly didn’t know how this was going to taste.   I’m drinking it now.  It is a bit sweet, but I can’t quite place what dominates the flavor. I do like it though!

I would describe the color as deep purple.  To the left is an actual picture, what do you think?

I need to plan 2 – 4 smoothies for the next few days so that I can make sure I have the ingredients handy.

I have about a half glass left and day one of this challenge is done!




2 thoughts on “30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

  1. Good luck, Tammy! I look forward to seeing the results. I’m not going to get the book, will you let me know the 12 questions?

    1. Hi Jim! Thanks for the reply and good wishes! They are basic questions. Several examples: (1) Was it hard to drink one quart of green smoothie every day? (2) Did the rest of your diet change as a result of the green smoothies? (3) Did you notice any changes in your health? (4) Did your cravings for unhealthy foods lessen? (5) Have you noticed any change in your weight? (6) Did your sleep change? (7) Did your elimination change? (8) Did your energy level change?… and so on… the last question is (12) Would you like to continue drinking green smoothies?

      Also, someone asked me if you had to use the recipes in the book. The answer is NO. I only mention that in the post because several of them sounded GOOD! I don’t know if there is a specific green smoothie formula, but I like this ladies formula: http://meghantelpner.com/blog/the-green-smoothie-formula/

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