Category Archives: maturity

I am forgiven

Day 4 of 30 – Our True Identity Challenge

confess your sinDear Seeking Sister,

I am forgiven. Thank God Almighty I am forgiven.  And so are you!  Don’t let the enemy steal your freedom.  Have you ever sinned? Do any of those sins still make you sad?  Don’t let the enemy steal your Grace!  Don’t let the enemy steal your Grace!  Don’t let the enemy steal your Grace! “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 JOHN 1:9

For some of us there are past sins that still haunt us.  We still dwell on them as if Continue reading I am forgiven

I am not my own

Day 3 of 30 – Our True Identity Challenge

Dear Seeking Sister,

The third day of our true identity challenge teaches us that we are not our own.  Your body is a holy temple.  How many times have we heard that one?

In ancient times, the Temple of Israel was where God dwelled among His people. It was a holy place that was set apart for God’s purposes and presence.  The level of admiration and reverence given to God while one was in the temple is hard to imagine today.  The Apostle Paul is telling us in this week’s scripture that this is what our bodies have become. “Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.”

My body is not my own. Your body, if you are a professing Christian, is not your own.  Our bodies are a gift and have been set apart for God’s Holy Spirit to live in.  Think about how Continue reading I am not my own

I am made in God’s Image

Day 1 of 30 – Our True Identity Challenge

Dear Seeking Sister,

First thing we need to know about our identity is that we were made in God’s image. I hear this so often that I sometimes don’t meditate on this fact. When I think about all that God is (what I know and what I don’t know), to imagine that I was made in His image can be an overwhelming, yet inspirational reality.


Action: Set a timer for 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes. Read the following scripture and then close your eyes and think about this fact. By setting the timer you don’t have to keep checking how much time has gone by, the timer will go off when you’ve reached the minutes allotted for this meditation. After your meditation, please share any new revelation that may have surfaced. Continue reading I am made in God’s Image

The Holy Spirit is a Bruise Pusher

Dear Seeking Sister,

Do you ever worry about what your sin is doing to your relationship with God or to your salvation?

During my early twenties while in college I worked second shift at Valpak, a direct marketing company.  I was a machine operator.  My job was to put envelops into a Cheshire machine so an address label could be glued to them at a rapid pace.  I remember a friend of mine, Shelly, would routinely call me a bruiser pusher.

I was baffled and asked, “What is a bruise pusher?   Continue reading The Holy Spirit is a Bruise Pusher

Was Jesus perfect from birth or was He made perfect through His earthly life?

Hello Seeking Sister,

Hebrews 5:8,9 states, “Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. (NIV)”

At first this made me think that Jesus wasn’t perfect from birth.  That He became perfect through learned obedience during suffering (e.g. “once made perfect”).  Did this mean that after being perfected He was then the source of our eternal salvation? Continue reading Was Jesus perfect from birth or was He made perfect through His earthly life?

day of reckoning

Dear Seeking Sister,

Exactly 10 years ago on this very day (see my personal testimony), I made the decision to trust God and believe the man they call, Jesus the Christ. My serious doubts didn’t magically disappear. I asked tough questions. To be honest, I was kind of hoping I could find proof God and His love I heard so much about didn’t exist. I had a chip on my shoulder of sorts and I was angry. It feels weird to say it (write it) now, but I wanted to call God out! Continue reading day of reckoning