Category Archives: self worth

feelings about ones self

Father Father Poem

Father Father PoemFather Father Poem

Father Father I come as I am.

Father Father how do I follow your plan; how do I follow your plan as I am?

Father Father I don’t feel I belong; Father Father where did I go wrong?

Father Father whisper in my ear; Father Father tell me what I need to hear.

Father Father it’s your will; it is your will that I want to fulfill.

Father Father sometimes my faith feels so weak; Father Father I need to hear you speak.

Father Father is there anything to fear; as long as I stay near?

Father Father whisper in my ear; Father Father tell me what I need to hear.

by Tammy McDaniel 


Dear Seeking Sister,

I wrote that poem on September 28, 2014 during my morning drive to work.  I was talking  Continue reading Father Father Poem

I am renewed

Day 5 of 30 – Our True Identity Challenge


Dear Seeking Sister,

I am renewed. The most refreshing you’ll ever feel is when you own the feeling that you are renewed. “All things have become new”, is what part of 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 tells us.

Read some of these synonyms for renewed:   Rehabilitated, transformed, changed, converted, new, improved, and reintroduced.

It is hard to draw a parallel to the feeling of a righteous renewal.  Continue reading I am renewed

I am made in God’s Image

Day 1 of 30 – Our True Identity Challenge

Dear Seeking Sister,

First thing we need to know about our identity is that we were made in God’s image. I hear this so often that I sometimes don’t meditate on this fact. When I think about all that God is (what I know and what I don’t know), to imagine that I was made in His image can be an overwhelming, yet inspirational reality.


Action: Set a timer for 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes. Read the following scripture and then close your eyes and think about this fact. By setting the timer you don’t have to keep checking how much time has gone by, the timer will go off when you’ve reached the minutes allotted for this meditation. After your meditation, please share any new revelation that may have surfaced. Continue reading I am made in God’s Image

day of reckoning

Dear Seeking Sister,

Exactly 10 years ago on this very day (see my personal testimony), I made the decision to trust God and believe the man they call, Jesus the Christ. My serious doubts didn’t magically disappear. I asked tough questions. To be honest, I was kind of hoping I could find proof God and His love I heard so much about didn’t exist. I had a chip on my shoulder of sorts and I was angry. It feels weird to say it (write it) now, but I wanted to call God out! Continue reading day of reckoning

How to Receive Jesus

Dear Seeking Sister,

The gospel confronts us with the hopelessness of our sinful condition.  A typical response when the gospel is shared with an unsaved person is often, “I’m a relatively good person.”  People tend to have a rather high opinion of their morality.  The concern here is that they are not measuring their “goodness” against the standards of their Almighty Creator.

They fail to realize they are saying they are “good” based on a comparison of the people around them and the acceptable norms of their culture and society.  The problem occurs when this society is a Godless society and compromising on God’s Word is found everywhere.

It is overwhelming to be faced with the fact the gospel teaches us that we are an enemy of God, spiritually dead in our sin, and in our state of rebellion, we are not even able to see that we need life. We are dependent on God to do something in our life that we could never do.

savinggraceThe Good News:  God did that something.  God came to earth in the flesh as a perfect sacrifice for our sin.   And it wasn’t a sacrifice of being crucified dead, Jesus’ sacrifice was made to God the Father fully knowing He would have to take in and on the full wrath of God.  He did that for you and He did that for me.   We owe Him our life.

David Platt in his book, Radical, put it like this:

“What happened at the Cross was not primarily about nails being thrust into Jesus’ hands and feet but about the wrath due your sin and my sin being thrust upon his soul. In that holy moment, all the righteous wrath and justice of God due us came rushing down like a torrent on Christ himself. Some say, “God looked down and could not bear to see the suffering that the soldiers were inflicting on Jesus, so he turned away.” This is not true. God turned away because he could not bear to see your sin and my sin on his Son.” (Radical, by David Platt, p. 36)

If you want to learn more about God, Jesus, and the saving grace only He can provide, visit the page I created below to help.

Receive Jesus as Your Savior


In His Grip,



Faulty Evaluations

proverbs13-10My dearest Seeking Sister,

If we feel disgusted by a fellow seeking sister—if we begin to distance our self from her or always find fault with her or feel insulted by almost everything she does—we are likely in great trouble! The sin of pride may be producing its evil fruit, and the division is strong evidence.

Against whom do we evaluate ourselves? Pride will often evaluate the self against those we consider lesser. Pride must do this in order to maintain a sense of worth albeit a false sense. To preserve itself, it will search until it finds a flaw with another.  Continue reading Faulty Evaluations